Are you accepting new patients?
Yes. Please contact your Primary Care Physician (PCP) or other medical service provider to request a referral to our office at (315) 422-1513 option 2, to schedule your first appointment.
What is the role of the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant?
AHA has Nurse Practitioners (NP’s) and Physician Assistants (PA’s) on staff. All play a vital role in our ongoing patient care. Most medical practices around the country now utilize NP’s and PA’s. You may hear them referred to as advanced practice clinicians, mid-level providers, physician extenders etc., but they are licensed as Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. We refer to them as Advanced Practice Clinicians (APCs).
What is the difference between and NP and PA?
A nurse practitioner must be a registered nurse (RN) who then returns for university training in advanced practice nursing. NPs subsequently obtain a distinctive license from the nursing board. Physician Assistants often have, but are not required to have, prior ancillary medical experience before entering their university training program. PAs are licensed by the state medical board. Both NPs and PAs are licensed to prescribe medications, order lab, x-ray, MRI, physical therapy etc. Both may review results and make recommendations and provide patient education. Both have some restrictions on prescribing narcotics. Both are required to have continuing education to maintain their license. At AHA, NP’s and PA’s have a very similar role.
At AHA, we maintain a team approach with you, your doctor, the APC, and a medical nursing staff working together to implement your care. We feel this provides you with the best possible access to all your rheumatologic care needs.
Do you accept Credit Card payments at your office?
Yes. Please call our Billing Department to pay your bill via telephone at (315) 422-1513 option 6.
What is the patient Portal?
The patient portal allows patients the access a portion of their medical records, schedule an appointment and request medical refills.